Step 1

Chip1 Exchange Email step 1 image

Open the attached html file in any browser.
In this case I have chosen (chip_theme1.html)

Refer the Pic

Step 2

In the same browser press (CTRL + A same time)
and right click and click COPY (or CTRL + C)

Refer the Pic

Chip1 Exchange Email step 2 image

Step 2

Chip1 Exchange Email step 2 image

In the same browser press (CTRL + A same time)
and right click and click COPY (or CTRL + C)

Refer the Pic

Step 3

Chip1 Exchange Email step 3 image

Open a new message in your outlook and
Click on signatures under signature

Refer the Pic

Step 4

When you click on signatures a popup will appear like this and

Refer the Pic

a, Please click on the New Button

b, Enter any name of your choice for the new signature (remember the name ( I have written (new-signature) as you can see)

c, Click Ok

Chip1 Exchange Email step 4 image

Step 4

Chip1 Exchange Email step 4 image

When you click on signatures a popup will appear like this and

Refer the Pic

a, Please click on the New Button

b, Enter any name of your choice for the new signature (remember the name ( I have written (new-signature) as you can see)

c, Click Ok

Step 5

Chip1 Exchange Email step 5 image

a, After clicking ok, you can see your new signature name is selected (a)

Refer the Pic

b, Now Right click anywhere on the below box (b) and you will get the options for pasting the html you have copied from the browser earlier (step-2)

c, Click on the first button under paste options when you right click (c)

Step 6

a, When the click the html will be pasted on the below box like shown in the picture. After its pasted, now from here you can change your name, phone number, designation etc.. (for changing name, click on the name and change it letter by letter)

Please don't select all and delete all at once (see picture. Change it letter by letter. Same for all fields phone, designation etc) -

Refer the Pic

Chip1 Exchange Email step 6 image

Step 6

Chip1 Exchange Email step 6 image

a, When the click the html will be pasted on the below box like shown in the picture. After its pasted, now from here you can change your name, phone number, designation etc.. (for changing name, click on the name and change it letter by letter)

Please don't select all and delete all at once (see picture. Change it letter by letter. Same for all fields phone, designation etc) -

Refer the Pic

Chip1 Exchange Email step 7 image

b, After that On the right side you can see New messages dropdown and Replies/forwards dropdown as shown

Refer the Pic

c, Click on both the dropdowns and you can see the option new-signature (name of your new signature you have given). Select the new-signature from the new options and click ok


Your new email signature is created. Now when you open a new email message from your outlook, you can see your new signature in the new message automatically inserted.

Please repeat the steps from Step1, in case your new email signature is not inserted or you are not seeing it.

Thankyou 🙂